Interviu Dr. Daniela Pavlicenco, Universitatea din Bergen

Dr. Daniela Pavlicenco este Cercetător Științific la Grupul de Cercetare în Cancerul Ginecologic, Universitatea din Bergen, Norvegia.

  1. What inspired you to pursue a career in your field, and what keeps you passionate about it today?

Since I was young, I’ve been fascinated by understanding the underlying mechanisms of how things work. This curiosity led me to pursue a career in scientific research, focusing on Pharmaceutical Science. I wanted to bridge the gap between the broader health system and the intricate physiological mechanisms responsible for health imbalances. Unraveling the mechanisms underlying cancer progression, which affects countless individuals, continues to fuel my passion for research.

  1. Can you share an example of a significant challenge you faced during your career and how you overcame it? How do you help others approach challenges in their careers?

One of the significant challenges I faced on my path was finding a job after my graduation. It was a tough time for everyone since that was the exact moment the global pandemic started. I went through countless application processes and didn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel until I received the opportunity of my dreams. That was a difficult time; however, I felt the support of those who believed in me when I was about to give up. Now, when I see someone struggling to achieve their dreams, I do my best to help them not give up on something they really want because life will surprise you when you least expect it.

  1. How do you approach mentoring relationships? What do you believe are the critical qualities of an effective mentor?

I believe in fostering open communication to establish a strong, trusting relationship from the outset when mentoring. My approach focuses on active listening, understanding my mentees’ needs, and setting clear goals with them. Effective mentoring requires a deep understanding of mentees in order to provide practical advice and the necessary encouragement.

  1. Looking back, what skills or habits do you wish you had developed earlier in your career, and how would you recommend current students working on those areas?

Reflecting on the past, I wish I had been more engaged in extracurricular activities during my academic years. I was a typical student who placed excessive emphasis on my grades. However, as I progressed in my career, I came to understand the significance of participating in numerous side projects, as they enable early network-building opportunities. My advice to students: „Don’t be afraid to push yourself outside of your comfort zone; go and try new things, meet new people, and you will do great!”

  1. Reflect on your early career when making important decisions about your professional path, such as a research career in a foreign country. How did you navigate uncertainty, and what advice would you give students starting their research careers?

I have always sought out development opportunities. When I couldn’t find them in my own country, I looked to the outside world. It was scary to leave everything behind and jump into the unknown, but my curiosity about new societies and different ways of doing things overcame that fear. This drive has led me to continually seek out new opportunities in different countries. When faced with challenging career decisions, I have been fortunate to have the guidance of three remarkable mentors who have significantly shaped my path. I am profoundly grateful for their support and wisdom throughout my journey.