Support us

Support future generations of Romanian researchers in biosciences and medicine!

Direct donations

Organization name: Asociatia Biomentorhub

Bank name: Banca Transilvania

Branch name: Timișoara

IBAN: RO37BTRLEURCRT0567645001 (Currency: EUR)
IBAN: RO92BTRLGBPCRT0567645001 (Currency: GBP)
IBAN: RO41BTRLUSDCRT0567645001 (Currency: USD)

Donate through the Romanian United Fund

Donate here: Biomentorhub Association

What will donations be used for ?

Your donation will be used to support BioMentorHub Association projects and launch a scholarship fund for pupils and students.

The Biomentorhub Association has the following goals:

a) Connecting young pupils and students interested in identifying study programs and carrying out research activities in the fields of biosciences and medicine with experienced mentors, specialized in these fields;

b) Supporting Romanian specialists from the diaspora with research experience in biosciences or medicine, interested in discovering professional and collaborative opportunities in Romania, by identifying mentors from academia, government, industry who can guide them in this endeavour;

c) Contribution to the development of scientific research in Romania.

d) Moral and material support of pupils, students with very good results in the fields of biosciences and medicine and researchers working in the fields of biosciences and medicine.

Thank you!

We thank the following supporters: Elisabeta Nădăban, Alexandra Borza, Balazs-Jozsef Magyar, Prof. univ. Dr. Tibor Szilagyi, Victor Murineanu.